Our Department regularly organizes open scientific meetings to discuss current issues of forensic science and law. Seminars take place at most once a month (on selected Mondays, usually at 18:00 or 18:30). During the meetings, current issues of criminalistic and judicial theory and practice are discussed with invited guests. Seminars are implemented either on-site or remotely (we avoid the hybrid format). In recent years, the Polish Criminalistics Society has been a frequent co-organizer of the meetings. We invite all PhD students of the Department (regardless of the mode of preparation of the dissertation) as well as collaborators and other persons interested in the topics of contemporary criminalistics issues to participate in the meetings.
Detailed information about the meetings is sent by mail on an ongoing basis. To participate in the seminar, you need to fill out the registration form (the button below links to the google form), which will enable us to include you in our newsletter.

Recent topics:
- February 2024 – Gen. Krzysztof Bondaryk, meeting and discussion on the proposed project of the Operational Investigative Work Code.
- April 2023 – kom. Magdalena Kruczek, lecture titled: The phenomenon of contamination in forensic science. Protection of evidence against contamination, including during inspections conducted in conditions of warfare.
- February 2023 – dr Paweł Opitek, lecture.: Czynności operacyjno-rozpoznawcze: czy potrzebna jest kompleksowa ustawa?
- January 2023 – Urszula Cur, lecture.: Profilowanie psychologiczne nieznanych sprawców – czy Z. Marchwicki był „Wampirem z Zagłębia”?
- November 2022 – prok. Rafał Kurek, lecture.: Korzystanie z opinii biegłych w praktyce prokuratorskiej.